Electrostatics JEE Shot notes

Electrostatics JEE short notes:

1. **Coulomb's Law:** Force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of their magnitudes and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

   - F = k * (|q1 * q2|) / r^2

   - F - Force between charges

   - q1, q2 - Charges

   - r - Distance between charges

   - k - Coulomb's constant

2. **Electric Field (E):** Electric field at a point due to a charge is the force experienced by a unit positive test charge placed at that point.

   - E = F / q0

   - E - Electric field

   - F - Force

   - q0 - Test charge

3. **Electric Potential (V):** Electric potential at a point is the work done in bringing a unit positive charge from infinity to that point.

   - V = k * (q / r)

   - V - Electric potential

   - q - Charge

   - r - Distance from the charge

4. **Gauss's Law:** The electric flux through a closed surface is equal to the total charge enclosed by the surface divided by the permittivity of free space (ε0).

   - Φ = Q / ε0

   - Φ - Electric flux

   - Q - Total charge enclosed

   - ε0 - Permittivity of free space

5. **Electric Field Due to Continuous Charge Distributions:**

   - For a line charge: E = (k * λ) / r

   - For a surface charge: E = (σ / 2ε0)

   - For a volume charge: E = (ρ / 3ε0)

6. **Superposition Principle:** The net electric field at a point due to multiple charges is the vector sum of the electric fields produced by individual charges.

7. **Equipotential Surfaces:** Surfaces where the electric potential is the same at all points. Electric field lines are perpendicular to equipotential surfaces.

8. **Capacitors:** Devices used to store electric charge. Capacitance (C) is the ability of a capacitor to store charge and is given by C = Q/V.

These are some key points in electrostatics for JEE. You can expand on these concepts as needed.


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